
This explains how to install MetalPipe, create a simple configuration file, and execute a pipeline.

Install MetalPipe

MetalPipe is installed in the usual way, with pip:

pip install metalpipe

To test your installation, try typing

metalpipe --help

If MetalPipe is installed correctly, you should see a help message.

Write a configuration file

You use MetalPipe by (1) writing a configuration file that describes your pipeline, and (2) running the metalpipe command, specifying the location of your configuration file. MetalPipe will read the configuration, create the pipeline, and run it.

The configuration file is written in YAML. It has three parts:

  1. A list of global variables (optional)
  2. The nodes and their options (required)
  3. A list of edges connecting those nodes to each other.

This is a simple configuration file. If you want to, you can copy it into a file called sample_config.yaml:

pipeline_name: Sample MetalPipe configuration
pipeline_description: Reads some environment variables and prints them

    class: GetEnvironmentVariables
    summary: Gets all the necessary environment variables
        - API_KEY
        - API_USER_ID

    class: PrinterOfThings
    summary: Prints the environment variables to the terminal
      prepend: "Environment variables: "

    - get_environment_variables
    - print_variables

Run the pipeline

If you’ve installed MetalPipe and copied this configuration into sample_config.yaml, then you can execute the pipeline:

metalpipe run --filename sample_config.yaml

The output should look like this (you might also see some log messages):

Environment variables:
{'API_USER_ID': None, 'API_KEY': None}

The MetalPipe pipeline has found the values of two environment variables (API_KEY and API_USER_ID) and printed them to the terminal. If those environmet variables have not been set, their values will be None. But if you were to set any of them, their values would be printed.